Teachings of the month January 2025
Those of you concerned about Truth's health, do not come to his house. Unless you are inviited, please do not show up. The door will remain closed to anybody uninvited. Thank you to all who show concern and have wanted to help in some way. Look for more updates in February.
What a good and noble wife i have.They said she got me to the hospital just in time.Very near a coma or heart attack or physical death the people at the hospital said.The Divine within me you could say told me what was going on with my body on day 2 but i didnt believe it.I thought it was just another strong spiritual process. I waited a rough month and finally went when mischa insisted.Very very few could of endured what i did very very few.On Christmas i could see normal again after not for several weeks.My eyes came back on christmas.Close vision is effected now some as i write this.Yes once again in this life i danced with physical death. Big big hospital bill coming up.Thankfully my body is improving as of the moment.More on that mext month.Mischa barely slept in the emergency room and hospital stay.Helping me alot.She slept on a chair the first night and barely.What a great being my wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here i must add the Divine that oversees every little aspect of my life made sure my body didnt die and other things
Once upon a time i walking alone had a taste of divine love.The Goddess opened her sacred veil a short time.Teased me wanting more and only that.
Make amends and repent before its too late for you.That is my advice to you visitor to this website.On the deathbed it will be too late and then reality.You will hafto account for every little and big sin.Every one no escape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heaven hell a rebirth in Haiti or North Korea etc all available for you.Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Divine That Divine love is above all else.Try to be worthy of that.Lifetimes of inner work and karma burning to be worthy of the Divine
Do you add to others suffering people and animals?Can you really love?
The movie of the month worth watching (The passion of the christ)There are many secrets in the jesus story.The scourge the humiliation the cross much to learn.The inner jesus died for your sins.Needs cleaning to awake again within you in a real way
The song of the month worth a listen(The smiths meat is murder)
The book of the month worth a read(The madness of the saints ecstatic religion in Bengal)
Contemplations for you
(1) In the male world are guys trying to impress other ape men?Will it do them any good at all in anyway spiritually?
(2) Do guys not do everything to impress other ape men and also hoping to get females with various forms of trickery?
(3) What is (i)?You identify as that yet you also did 10 years ago.Same (i)?Where is this (i)?What is it really?
(4)How much of your motivation is to impress others ?
Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See more below
Those of you concerned about Truth's health, do not come to his house. Unless you are inviited, please do not show up. The door will remain closed to anybody uninvited. Thank you to all who show concern and have wanted to help in some way. Look for more updates in February.
What a good and noble wife i have.They said she got me to the hospital just in time.Very near a coma or heart attack or physical death the people at the hospital said.The Divine within me you could say told me what was going on with my body on day 2 but i didnt believe it.I thought it was just another strong spiritual process. I waited a rough month and finally went when mischa insisted.Very very few could of endured what i did very very few.On Christmas i could see normal again after not for several weeks.My eyes came back on christmas.Close vision is effected now some as i write this.Yes once again in this life i danced with physical death. Big big hospital bill coming up.Thankfully my body is improving as of the moment.More on that mext month.Mischa barely slept in the emergency room and hospital stay.Helping me alot.She slept on a chair the first night and barely.What a great being my wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here i must add the Divine that oversees every little aspect of my life made sure my body didnt die and other things
Once upon a time i walking alone had a taste of divine love.The Goddess opened her sacred veil a short time.Teased me wanting more and only that.
Make amends and repent before its too late for you.That is my advice to you visitor to this website.On the deathbed it will be too late and then reality.You will hafto account for every little and big sin.Every one no escape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heaven hell a rebirth in Haiti or North Korea etc all available for you.Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Divine That Divine love is above all else.Try to be worthy of that.Lifetimes of inner work and karma burning to be worthy of the Divine
Do you add to others suffering people and animals?Can you really love?
The movie of the month worth watching (The passion of the christ)There are many secrets in the jesus story.The scourge the humiliation the cross much to learn.The inner jesus died for your sins.Needs cleaning to awake again within you in a real way
The song of the month worth a listen(The smiths meat is murder)
The book of the month worth a read(The madness of the saints ecstatic religion in Bengal)
Contemplations for you
(1) In the male world are guys trying to impress other ape men?Will it do them any good at all in anyway spiritually?
(2) Do guys not do everything to impress other ape men and also hoping to get females with various forms of trickery?
(3) What is (i)?You identify as that yet you also did 10 years ago.Same (i)?Where is this (i)?What is it really?
(4)How much of your motivation is to impress others ?
Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See more below
Some Teachings
He or she that can truly love the best is the true winner in life.
There is Spiritual greatness and great Spiritual Love waiting for you. For that a lot needs to happen.
Who is there to impress in the human world?Nobody at all.All efforts should be to try an please the mysterious invisible spiritual world.
The animal rights person thinks( How can i make this animal these animals happy?How can i make animals feel loved?) The demonic minded person thinks (How can i use this animal?What can i get from it?How can i try an feel better about my wounded self through and with it?) Not considering the animals real wants and needs.Often not considering the animal at all
A spiritual warning for an indivisual can come a couple different ways.It can be given in the so called dream state.It can be given in the daydream the so called waking state.A rare genuine mystic can give one as well .If they are the real deal it has been given with the full backing and promise to happen of the mysterious spiritual world.A hint can be given in various subtle and not so subtle ways.Most of the time there is no warning given the karma hits hard and completely unexpected.Just as the great Jesus gave general warnings to the public your better off losing a hand then your entire body thrown into hell etc.If you get a personal spiritual warning you should take it very very seriously.The indivisual can try to feel better about things in various delusional ways such as.Well i dont believe in such things.Well i say i believe in jesus or some other scriptural misinterpretation so im guarenteed Heaven etc.Any crazy parrot can talk in such ways.Well if there was a God-Goddess certainly it would see im righteous.Well im a man or woman of science so certainly this isnt possible for me.If youve been given a spiritual warning take it very very seriously.Repent and try to mitigate the punishment punishments some as best possible.Though this may not be possible.Completely and radically immediatly change your evil ways.Try to make amends pray and meditate and be sincere about changing your evil ways.This is my advice to you,
Someone who really trys to help others in the work world and not scam or try an fool or cheat or try an take advantage of others in business .Is also trying to help themselves with good karma making.
Many are busy and feel they have little time for spiritual practices.However on ther big picture your entire lifes purpose is only progress or lack of spiritually.Karma and you being closer to pure or impure will determine your future as will the mysterious Divine.At the time of physical death that is.That can happen at any moment.Meditation prayer-mantras fasting are the real and time tested purify helpers along with other things
If you have all sorts of money, college degrees, professionally presented deceptions, a well polished social mask, seeming worldly power, fake prestige. Yet you can't really love what do you have? Illusions.
Getting a doctorate degree, working as an astrophysicist, going to the moon or some planet, being a skilled brain surgeon, making a trillion dollars, becoming the president of a country - these are all easy things to accomplish compared to authentic spiritual change within oneself. Anybody who applies themselves and has the ambition, time and often money can easily do any of these things mentioned, however, to really change spiritually is an entirely different thing. All these things are child's play compared to what it takes to really change spiritually. The big worldly titles you could say don't help anyone spiritually and are easy to do and get. I want to give a great thank you to those who make extra effort to truly be helpful to challenged and suffering beings, however, the increase in the I am more important then you illusions from the inner demon-demons is spiritually dangerous with these please make me feel more important then you jobs, many real saints and mystics have been illiterate.
What is it you really want? What is it the real you yearns for? You want to work toward your own authentic spiritual liberation. Really help people, animals, insects, Earth and all of life or fit in with chaos and illusions? You want to go along like an uncaring, brainwashed, clouded robot?,Who do you want to impress?,You want to impress those who are spiritually lost or whatever it is that controls your fate? Wake up!
If there is a tradition be it a couple years or several thousand years old that somehow has toxic aspects, such as eating a bird who wanted Love that instead was treated terribly before its murder, cutting down a tree to bring in your dwelling for a few weeks in a time of environmental dangers. Quit that and do not endorse it.Speak out against it.Quit that and do not be a puppet or robot.If the entire tradition is toxic do not have anything to do with it.Just as if there is a person or group of people who are very toxic and spiritually dead shun them.You do not have to go along with toxic things or people.Let the dead bury the dead.Try to forgive but that does not mean endorse or go along with hateful toxic and twisted things and people.At this point the Earth itself has been affected from toxic minds and traditions.It is not just from the various well known things that cause pollution.It is also from the hateful acts and behavior.The spiritually corrupted minds.Do what you can to change things in loving and helpful ways.
Having faith can be important, especially if you are having strong challenges. However, at the time of death when you exit your physical body beliefs have no value. It is what you did and didn't do, whether you are closer to toxic or pure. Since death can happen at any time, there is no time to waste.
Those who have said just have Faith only have done a great disservice to suffering humanity and animals. If a child is diseased do you say just believe, your alright, or work hard for a real cure?
Wotk for a real realization.Wont be easy
Good deeds are very very important.However they are in no way enough for real strong personal spiritual transformation.People have absolutely no idea what it takes to really purify the mind.Also sometimes and often people think they are doing a good deed but it didn't really help you or them in reality spiritually speaking.It may of caused real harm.To know what are the most important and real good deeds you must have a real spiritual understanding.For that lots of changes need to happen within you.Lots of very very very very very very very strong effort for that.
You , people ,and animals you have loved and love have suffered a lot. Work hard inwardly toward your authentic spiritual liberation.
If a kindergarten student shows up at the news room and says i am a meteorologist. Tonight i shall give the weather report.You know what will happen.It is likewise with those that say they are already saved that have not done what they needed for that to be real.
More and more gadgets, gossip, vacations, etc., anything to distract from the state of their minds, people do all sorts of things to try and keep themselves distracted from themselves and the healing they need.
Scriptures are misinterpreted all the time. As surely as there is learned ignorance, as surely as there are illusional projections onto others, the blind try to lead the blind.
Spiritual advancement or downfall is for the individual not the group.That is to say just as you have your own money ,job, health,relationship, etc karma.Also spiritual reward or punishment is for the individual not the group.
There is a universal story in the Bible. You can get a lot from it. It also has man made laws verse Spiritual laws and Justice. The man made laws of that time and place had it that you could yell for a deranged being (Barabas or Jesus).The ever changing and corrupt man made legal system allowed people to choose of the 2. Many yelled for Barabbas. You can also find these kind of man made legal loopholes in all countries, etc. People hang themselves spiritually all the time with man-made law legal loopholes, withholding crucial information, using deceit of various kinds,etc, using titles to try and cheat and rob people to work out wounded mind crazy stuff, bribes and unofficial bribes which is someone paying for a lawyer to try and deceive and cheat someone using loopholes, coercion often cleverly disguised, dirty tactics and the rest, using lawyers to try and use loopholes regardless of any consideration of ethics. Thinking well if it's man made legal certainly it is ok for me, no Spiritual Punishments for me. Then like a flea being hit by a tornado sooner or later spiritual justice gives out the punishments. Here I am not knocking down ethical people who work as lawyers and judges, nor am I knocking down anyone who uses ethics in all forms of business and relationship. It is the corruption that comes in over and over and over again from the individual wounded mind I am referring to here. The history books show corruption in man made law over and over and over again. Also abuse of seeming power, like a Judas getting involved in spiritually corrupt man made law enforcement, laws, and law those who choose deceit hang themselves spiritually with man made law legal loopholes.
A spiritually deranged being can never fool someone with real knowledge.Though they may think they can or have they cant.The evil they tried comes back to them a thousand fold.
Whenever a very toxic being.Someone dominated by the lower self the wounded thing.Someone literally in a delusional daydream tries to somehow negatively effect a sincere spiritual aspirant punishments happen.If this kind of severely wounded mind that also makes no real effort for healing tries to somehow negatively effect a advanced spiritual being it always ends up in disaster for the demonic minded person.The one who needs healing but makes no real effort.The one who spreads negativity everywhere with there toxic aura you could say.The one who spreads illusions.The wounded thing immersed in delusional daydreams.The impostor trying to present itself as something its not.It always ends up in disaster for the toxic being.One way or another sooner or later a disaster.Even hellish punishments can and do happen.The mysterious spiritual world takes care of all of that.The demonic minded person thinks i will do and say whatever i want I Am righteous then disaster.Then they wonder why this or that thing happened to them.However since they have no real knowledge they blame it on a accident etc.There is no escape for a demon minded person.No escape from spiritual justice.
All forms of corruption come from the individual being spiritually corrupt.The wounded thing in them thinks well nobody will find out about this.They also think well this is technically legal with ever changing man made laws so its ok no consequences for me even if it is very very bad spiritually.Such as in various kinds of business etc.Corruption in every little aspect of society comes from the lower self.You can see it not only in politics but in every aspect of society and the individuals life. Somebody that avoids the hard inner work that's required to truly change not only sets themselves up for disaster because of that.They also make mistakes being guided by the inner demons-demon in them the lower self the wounded being.They are in a very dangerous situation spiritually and not even aware of it.It is as it is.
A well known woman mystic once said the material poverty of the East is nothing compared to the spiritual poverty of the West.She was correct in this.Getting people actually doing real inner work on themselves and changing there evil ways.Along with strong focus on womens rights and animal rights and the environment are the most important now.If people change there evil ways and get serious about real spirituality there is less corruption and toxic actions.If women get more equal rights etc there is more compassion in the world.Human beings get spiritually punished for evil treatment of animals.Helping animals loving them and protecting them from all forms of animal terrorism is a must.The environment is polluted because of spiritual corruption.It wouldn't be polluted if people had love care and real awareness.
We are in a age of everyone voicing and writing there toxic opinions everywhere they can.Not considering extremely dangerous karma.A great master once said it isn't what goes in the mouth but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person.However he knew he was talking to spiritual weaklings. It is both what goes in and out of the mouth.Along with that what you absorb through the senses.Toxic entertainment and gossip etc is food also.People lost in illusions desperate for attention trying to somehow get the lower self in them validated.Say and do anything.You may be able to choose your actions but never ever the karmic reactions now and down the road.
Women should be aware of and beware of so called men's tactics to use you.They are alcohol and sweet talk.Also false promises and goals of a life of escapism with money and titles etc and the fake feelings of success and importance that can come with it.Likewise men should beware of gold diggers and superficial so called beauty.A real spiritual relationship should be based on real love and real mutual support in spiritual growth.Those that really spiritually respect themselves will never get used or duped.
Karma is a universal teaching.It may be called other things other places or talked about a little different.However you reap what you sew is universal.Some may say the effort to make merit rather then go to Hell etc.
Science simply means research and is often clouded by the minds of the researchers. Certainly there is value in ethically trying to find things that help people, animals, insects, and earth. However, let's say so called science finds new planets or has new hypothesis or new gadgets, it wont change your mind or your karma even a little bit. Those who encourage outward research only and no authentic work for inner healing have done a great disservice to suffering humanity and animals.
How many things have you been taught that are untrue?
You can never ever trust someone who does no real healing work on themselves.The real healing work the long daily meditation the prayer the fasting etc.The Creation given time tested authentic healing methods.Not the illusions of quick enlightenment fixes and modern ideas.You can talk about your challenges 10000 years they still wont reduce much.Especially when you are talking to a daydreamer be it with a fancy bought degree or not.Someone who does nothing to wake up from there daydream is like a robot programmed from a mad scientist.People come into life with karma you could say.Then instead of reducing the huge load they already came in with.They add and do nothing to subtract the toxins of mind.Hence the old Doctor Jeckle and Mr Hyde story is a real metaphor.Dr Jeckle being the social presentation and Mr Hyde being the real state of there mind-being.This also gives hint of the Universal teaching a Great master gave.A rich person has the same chance of getting into Heaven as a camel through the eye of a needle. That's because more often the person with a lot of money is always distracting themselves in some way.Always in some way trying to buy happiness.Trying to put on a show of superiority as the reality of there being has them the worst kind of spiritual inferior.Instead of focusing on the real state of there being they robot around.Likewise this gives a hint of a great master saying real knowledge isn't for those proud of there book learned hypothesis ideas and knowledge.The impostor the fake false i makes a show of all the data that they have acquired while there being is a complete and total mess.
Some have had what could be looked at as a spiritual experience .Where after they said everything literally everything they thought was true was not true in reality.They could see how intensely they have been brainwashed and programmed.With that lost and immersed in illusions.If one realizes just how off they have been it can be shocking.Its not just the fault of the corrupt and crazy society.Its the individuals own mind that needs Authentic purification and healing.Many many many sleepwalk there entire life.Though they seem alive spiritually they are literally sleeping.It is as it is.
Often today's so called facts taught by so called experts are tomorrows fiction.
Those who say life is meaningless are spiritual cowards and thieves of hope. They will reap what they sew.
It's easy to see how people could struggle with the idea of a loving God-Goddess on this planet. However, there are no atheist on their deathbed. Find the real you, the true you. Find if there is a God-Goddess for yourself.Also what that really is or isn't. SEEK THE TRUTH!
The word God has so many associations and conditionings with it as do all words and ideas. Find out what's real for yourself through inward journey. With it gradually cleaning your inner vision.
The polluted human mind has greatly effected the Earth. Do whatever you can to help heal it and clean it up.
If you've been in a car crash, etc. do what you have to as best possible to get your body repaired. However, natural medicine and healing with their positive side effects are always the first choice for the conscious consumer, just as you should eat organic as best possible.Do get yearly bloodwork somehow.Blood sugar and blood pressure etc are very very important to keep in check.
Once i had a female with a medical license( a medical doctor) tell me.I know the medical system is broken and there is lots of corruption with people within it including those with medical licenses..Her first words to me in a urgent kind of situation at a emergency room.This was a huge favor cause i updated my formula with the help of her saying this.The Divine has given any good and needed medicines and test and treatments.There for people to use as NEEDED.The imposter (i) the inner demons the devil that finds its way into the medical world shouldnt stop someone from using it as needed.
Marijuana and other things that effect only give another angle of clouded vision. The spiritual warrior goes straight on the inner battlefield and ready for challenges before the inner war is over, ready to suffer for a greater good.
Nobody takes a marijuana smoker or psychedelic user seriously spiritually.Because people know at least subtly that there is something spiritually disingenuous about the person.These strong medicines that Mother nature has provided are meant to shake you up a little bit .So you can then focus your entire being on healing and authentic spirituality. Psilocybin mushrooms, Peyote, Ayahuasca, and Iboga very very strong spiritual medicines.These medicines do not help with spiritual purification even a little bit.It would not be fair that so many struggle to get there minds-hearts pure for decades etc and you could just take something and be authentically enlightened in some way.This is similar to the person who thinks they can buy there way into some Heaven.You can have an experience that may or may not shift the direction of your life.May or may not give you some insights on healing etc.However you can not take a substance and get enlightened or pure.You have to do hard inner work for authentic inner changes.People know the marijuana user is self medicating and a mess spiritually when not on the herb.In this way it should be known the authentic spiritual person has to face there minds straight day to day and feel the pain that is unavoidable with authentic healing.When the darkness is being removed for more light you have to experience some of that rubbish as it makes its way out.The regular marijuana and psychedelic user isn't taken seriously by anyone with authentic spiritual interest and knowledge.He or she is a cowardly escapist.People can change there ways.They can get spiritually strong and become a real hero for people animals insects and all that can and do suffer.The authentic spiritual person does not use any intoxicants.
The more spiritually strong you are ,the more you can help the suffering.
Try to be like the lotus flower.Though you may of started this life in dirty muddy water (Toxic environment.Spiritually toxic and dead people around you.Toxic and spiritually dead relatives.Friends who were not real friends but actually enemies to your spiritual growth.Spiritually dead culture and society.Fake fitting in.Fake in nearly every way and constantly acting putting on a social mask presentation.Crazy customs.Lower self glorification.Low minded entertainments and conversations.People roll modeling and encouraging going down instead of up.Spiritual escapist.Chasers of illusions.Etc.Also your own mind you could say full of dark clouds-mud and with that not seeing and doing spiritually clear and pure.) Clean yourself off and rise up beautiful and as pure as possible.
Consider the sacred Rose.Though there have been thorns on her path.She offers beauty and goodness for all.A spiritual delight.
The foundation of will power to do things for authentic change is to remember all the benefits that eventually come. Also, punishments that can come if doing bad, not expecting instant results.
The lower self thinking karma isn't real, wounded, and toxic will try to hide behind money, college, degrees, titles, real estate, vehicles, clothes, cosmetics, looks of different types, expensive toys, fake respect, look at me by any means. The unhappy, wounded thing does anything for attention and is deceitful. It is a lie. Strip away the superficialities and ask where am I, he, she spiritually really? Extra money and college degrees and skills are to help suffering beings and earth, not glorify the lower self.
Debates about reality can be interesting. However, real spiritual knowledge is within and you have to work hard inwardly for that.
The cosmic onion, if you will, has many, many, many layers. You think you know something then yet there is another deeper layer to discover within oneself with all its mysteries. Unlike a regular onion where only few tears may be shed while peeling.There will be alot of crying needed to get to each new layer of the cosmic onion.The answers are inward.
Just as you can't see the sun and moon properly through clouds, likewise, you can't see reality properly through clouded inner vision.
The lower self in someone deeply wounded spiritually delusional and toxic will try to feel better about itself in anyway it can.This is the reason those that go to school longer will often somehow try to get fake respect and a feeling of superiority.More schooling in no way indicates a superior person.
The upper class is a term to denote more money. This in no way means somehow superior in anyway. Spiritually speaking, the upper class are the purer beings, those who really help.
Sometimes, especially for a sincere spiritual aspirant what can seem like the worst possible things and experiences can actually be a blessing in disguise.
Sometimes you should formally shun a person or people. You've got to do what you've got to do.
Sometimes like a great authentic spiritual master once said you let the dead bury there dead.
If you can look deep enough you can find a positive in a any seeming negative spiritually speaking
Nowadays people will read a few books and do a little meditation or prayer, spiritual practices and set themselves up as a master somehow.
If you've earned even a little taste of the real Spiritual Heart nothing else will fully satisfy your hunger afterwords.Want more will be the priority.WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The goal is authentic inner changes before physical death occurs, removing the impurities that hinder the pure heart, being helpful and not harmful, Pure Love.
Do whatever you can to help end animals and women as second class citizens. A vegan or vegetarian diet and not supporting or endorsing animal cruelty is a good start for animals. Equal pay and not supporting or endorsing oppression of women is a good start for women. Do whatever you can to help.
Animals have been oppressed because the lower self in humans does not care about others and is toxic. The wounded try to wound and will do this to those that can't defend themselves. The same toxic thing that is ok with human slavery is also ok for animal slavery, oppression, and unloving treatment. The lower self will try to feel better about itself anyway it can, cowardly and toxic trying to feel better about itself in a unfair fight. The animals can't defend themselves or speak up for themselves.
A real man fights his inner enemy within himself and helps the oppressed ,poor, and suffering on the outside.Those that avoid the inner fight and oppress and take part in unfair outside fights are toxic and spiritual cowards.
Nobody trust a hunter.Because people know at least subtly that the hunter is severely wounded and trying to with that wound the animals.The wounded try to wound.The hunter is full of hate and has a false sense of manliness.People also know the hunter is a coward.Because instead of fighting there inner demons-demon inwardly with formal meditation etc daily they instead act as demons to animals.They themselves are animal terrorist.When they eat the meat it effects there mind in detrimental ways.There bodies become more prone to various diseases.They also eventually end up with impotence and other weakening effects from the animal flesh in there bodies. Each animal that is Unloved hurt or killed by them adds to there bad karma account.Depending on the animal hate crime.Hunters get a certain karmic punishment for each toxic action.Trappers get severe punishment along with those that experiment on animals .Those involved in animal concentration camps and slave trade get there punishments.Those that abuse and mistreat in anyway get there punishment also.People think i will do what i will there is no human law against this.Then like a tornado running into a flea there punishments begin for there spiritual crimes.Here i am not endorsing or not endorsing anything about the Cherokee native Americans. However in there mythology the origin of disease is from killing of animals.Each animal killed brings on another disease.This is a good thing to contemplate.The hunter has usually been brainwashed about manliness etc.Hunting is actually just the opposite of manliness.Just the opposite of real love.Be a real man fight your inner enemy-enemies.
Its well known that people labeled psychopaths are often cruel to animals in there childhood.However what is that to say about the so called normal adults who know animals can suffer like people and like people want love?The so called adult who knows about the slaughter houses-concentration camps for animals the factory farms.The small concentration camps small animal farms.Those that will actually call a being that wants love game.Those that will go hunt for neanderthal psychopath fun.There extremely low consciousness and lack of spiritual development allows for this.There lack of the ability to feel compassion like at Nuremberg.The wounded try to wound so they think well i can feel superior to them in this way.As inwardly they feel inferior and are crazy.Do what to others as you would want done to you extends to all beings.You do not need to be Religious to know this is the loving thing to do.
Those who spread the idea that people are developed from neanderthals have hurt humanity greatly.People are spiritual beings that get rewarded and punished from the mysterious invisible spiritual world.There are you could say genetic things of the physical body for example varicose veins etc.However spirituality has been divorced from the big business medical industry with its spiritually dead teachings on various mind and body challenges.Hunters and the like could add to the idea of a neanderthal past.Because these people are of a very low consciousness.They are what is called spiritually dead.Also like in the Nuremberg trials where people didn't have the ability to feel compassion for others.These hunting and animal abusing haters are separated from there spiritual Heart.People are spiritual at there core and neanderthals are the imagination of the lower self.History is as true as the historian.
Women who are often naturally spiritually stronger have been oppressed by the lower self in others because of being less physically strong . The inner spiritual mother in females when cleaned off and pure is very, very powerful. Powerful and beautiful. If more women authentically strengthen themselves spiritually through getting more and more pure their oppression will end. If those powerful inner spiritual mothers are cleaned off and shine the oppression of animals will eventually come to an end, they also viewing the animals as their children.
This earth has become imbalanced from toxic mind male dominance.The Divine feminine and the love and nourishment that come with that has been oppressed and abused.As a result the environment is a mess.There is corruption everywhere.Greed is extreme.People are going around sleepwalking in there lower self daydream.Some fake toxic male in politics or in this or that home is ready to oppress poison or start a war with another group or person.Animals and women are second class citizens and slaves in many places.Treated terribly from toxic wounded minds.The women have even lost there feminine naturalness in many places.Getting lost in the wounded world.The real man can be a tough spiritual warrior and still love.The women are very spiritually powerful when there hearts are cleaned off and with that the Divine feminine can shine and re-balance this wounded world.
People often only think of the environmental and health benefits of the vegan or vegetarian diet. Also, not wanting to support animal cruelty, slavery, or oppression. They overlook the spiritual rewards that come with the diet.
Meat eating is from ( i ) the inner impostor. Vegan or vegetarian with a small amount of dairy from lovingly treated animals is from ( I ) the real I who loves and is connected with the spiritual eye you could say, the eye that can see with real knowledge and real Love, the real ( I ) wanting the spiritual best for (we) suffering humanity and animals.The impostor ( i ) the lower self with its spiritual delusions does not consider the suffering of others - animals. It only thinks of (me) and delusions about itself and others. Eating meat makes the body weak even in ways not known to you and strengthens the lower self - the impostor ( i ). As a false prophet gets a false prophets spiritual reward so also the impostor the uncaring ( i ).
Authentic mystics and saints of the past have sometimes not said anything against meat eating and toxic treatment of animals, because they thought the people were very spiritually weak.
Alcohol is a poison.One of the very worst drugs. How many lives has it ruined or affected?Alcohol is never ever a celebration but a toxic ,physically addictive ,try to escape from myself cowardly corrupt insane toxic medication.Any reference to real mystics with wine was spiritual wine a metaphor.Not the toxic stuff cowards and spiritual criminals drink.Give up any and all bad habits. Wholesome living is important.
Toxic and untrue conditioning is toxic and untrue conditioning. Look into yours.
Anybody who tells you genuine spiritual transformation or Heaven is easy is either lying or deluded.
Why wait for tragedy to get you spiritually serious? Like it or not, you have a huge spiritual mountain to climb. Ignoring that or making little effort is very, very dangerous.
Sincerely work for your spiritual liberation.Help people and animals.Wake Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The rare genuine mystic isn't there to act or say as you think or want, but to give you genuine spiritual help and advice which isn't always nice or easy.If you have earned that.
Whether you consider yourself of this or that Religion.Someone interested in science( outward research).What i call a spiritual independent.Someone interested in spirituality but doesn't label themselves in a particular way.Whether you say your an atheist.I can be of a help to you spiritually.I AM a universal teacher and helper.Whether your a new seeker of Truth.Someone who has been on this or that path or religion a long time i can help.Authentic personal spiritual change is hard hard serious inner work,I make no easy promises.I can help though.The right thing for the right person at the right time.This is the real deal authentic spirituality and inner work authentic help.Those who want something easy can look elsewhere there is plenty of that around.If you've suffered a lot in life.If your a sincere seeker.If your willing to do what must be done to really transform yourself spiritually I can help.
May all beings everywhere be happy and healthy and not suffer unnecessarily
Truth Thomas